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From the Oppressed

A man and a woman walked the same road

Hands joined till torn apart by the land of the free

until the woman was alone

and the man hanged from a tree

What is your oppression?

Temporary hardships

presented by a few days indoors

that give us excuses to sacrifice

the old and the poor

I understand your fear

But our oppressions cover centuries of hate

against skin

Violence against gays for “living in sin”

Women beaten and raped

Denied justice or rights

White hoods burning crosses

bringing fear to black nights

Burning down churches

Murder in temples and mosques

Children in cages

Humanity lost

But your oppression

your hate

your deceit

false pretenses

Because of your fear

you imagine offenses

We’re offended

From all the oppressed

we would gladly exchange

the oppression you feel

for our years lived in pain

- Justin Carol

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