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Who are you who can stand there and smile

With pride, you profess all your hate

A human with heart could never abide

Who you are

What you do

What you say

Who are you who can stand there and smile

God sees the hate you try to hide

You and love cannot coexist

In one bread

In one breath

In one mind

Who are you who have sold all your souls

You push a new war for your gain

History will know you chose the wrong side

For your profit

For status

For fame

Who are you to just stand there and smile

and call nothing of this out of place

How can you breathe when you are without

Without love

Without God

Without grace

We say black lives matter

You say all lives matter

You really mean all lives but ours

You mean you're offended

that we have the nerve

to call you what you really are

So who are you to place blame on the hated

when this war has always been waged

Who is so dumb as to speak and think we'll believe

that you haven't always been hate

Who are you who can stand there and smile

When our future will name you with shame

- Justin Carol

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